The town is getting ready for the
On a fabric-related note, I was sorting out fabric that was at least 18 years old, carefully deciding which pieces I just had to keep. Eventually, I decided to chuck it all. Oh, no..not throw it away, but give it away (except for the piles of 2" squares that I had carefully cut at one time, thinking I had the patience to sew them together. I still don't have that patience, so I did toss them.)
Trying to lighten my load, footprint, whatever one chooses to call it. Mostly, cutting down the amount of flotsam one can collect over 20 years in one house! I already feel better mentally about ridding myself of unused and unwanted stuff. Now to stay in this frame of mind and 'Be Calm and Carry On!' with my Fall list of chores to do.
A few tense hours today, Berkley the puppy was scheduled to have his surgery today. The foster parents were expecting to hear from the hospital at noon, and at 2:00 pm still hadn't had a call. Finally, they got the call that Berkley was doing well, but the surgeons had a problem threading the catheter through to the heart - it broke! It was removed and the surgery was completed successfully, thank goodness! He comes home tomorrow, and we can't wait to see him:)
Oops, I've written a blog post. Sorry about this folks!